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Before using K.P.C

1- Poultryman need to minimize feeding rate to relieve sense of heat over load.
2- Imbalance in metabolic rate duo to what mentioned above.
3- Duration of breeding increases to compensate for feeding deficiency.
4- Decreased gain duo to elongation of breeding time.
5- Heat stress cause debility which make the birds more liable to                      infections.
6- Mortality rate more than 30 percent.
7-Temperature accumulated inside especially in high attitudes, this                  increases sense of heat stress.
8- Meat prices increase duo to elongation of breeding time.
Growers, but this cause upper respiratory tract infection may use foggers.


After using K.P.C

1- Poultryman do not need to do all of the above .
2- Normal metabolic rate so, there is weight gain.
3- Decreases significantly and may reach 36 days.
4- Increased gain duo to shortening of breeding time.
5- On using k.p.c you can obtain good general health .so, this elevates birds immunity against infection.
6- Mortality rate in ordinary rate or absent
7- No heat accumulation .so, birds don't suffer from heat stress.
8- Decrease duo to shortening of breeding time.
9- No side effects on respiratory system.